Things Correlate

Fili Olsefski
Fatma Karslıoğlu
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Fili Olsefski describes her project "Things Correlate" as: "a small token used in transparently correlating parallel universes, with the latter being overstuffed with floating memorabilia."

Originally a painter and bearing the tradition of painting, Olsefski treats her photographs as paintings, and considers it be merging what she has at hand. She creates her photographs by overlapping two film reels similar to the instincts of a painter; and attempts to reshape the incident she feels to be shared by both photographs with a new form.

The artist who lives in Greece explains her project as an expression of her exhausted individuality weary from stress and anxiety in a Western world where political status quo and agendas are changing in a dramatical way.

The fact that manipulations to the photographs are usually applied to what we may call the "main element" where it initially catches the eye, points to an alternative and individual world. In most the photographs beauty is combined with harsh and burdensome images. Whichever of the two worlds you focus on, it is impossible to escape the existence of the other. In this sense, the work is true to its name. It constitutes the traces of two worlds that coexist, strengthen and reveal each other