The World Wants to be Deceived

Naz Ünal
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Naz Ünal's project is named after an anonymous Latin idiom: "mundus vult decipi ergo decipiatur" (world wants to be deceived, so let it deceived). Every piece of the work is a new image consisting of 2 conjoined photographs. And we are faced with humans at the core of all the pieces.

Dividing the images joined together proposes a symmetry, but this is not exactly a symmetry, rather it is about demarcating an image somehow divided. It can also be thought as the relation between a person and his/her reflection in a mirror. The reason of mentioning a symmetry here, in fact, has to do with demarcation and both images are taken in a balanced fashion. Besides, the demarcation leads to that balance, then goes beyond that balance, in other words to the division of these two sides with some elements for the one who is looking. And one step further, separations that are spotted physically come to constitute other sides as well.

Although an individual and his/her reflection in the mirror is a proposition on symmetry, both are distant from each other and they don't resemble each other. This also favors another Latin idiom that completes this project: the notion of "theoretical life/practical life" (bios theoretikos / bios praktikos). At this point, the mirror shows a physical double who resembles us. On the other hand, the symmetry in the mirror is distant and this uncovered distance resembles the relation between the reflection and the unseen in this reflection. In fact, the symmetry proposition in the project being an imperfect symmetry have much more effect.

Naz mentions the clashes inside us, the dilemmas in our decisions and conflicts in relationships when she talks about her project: She reflects the dilemmas she describes as "even if something seems its opposite it means the same or when it seems the same, in fact the two belong completely to different worlds" through physical divisions and juxtapositions in her photographs.