Every Object

Noah Mclaurine
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Noah Mclaurine's "Every Object" which can be regarded as a self-portraiture project, takes on the characteristics of an anthropological study.

Mclaurine, photographs the things in his house from all four sides, disengages them from their backgrounds and turns them into a presentation in "gif" format. Just as the antiques found in museums and excavations, she isolates them from the places they once belonged to. In this manner, the artist tries to explore herself and presents us with some sort of a self-portrait by studying each and every object that supposedly identify her around her. On the other hand, the objects that were photographed are industrial goods as well as personal objects. Therefore, they are objects which we also own the likes of, and if we think in "The things you own end up owning you" terms, they become instruments that enable us to connect with ourselves. If what comes in view is an anthropological sort of outcome, then it says something about every one of us.

Surely, it is open to question as to how this kind of study could be objective with regards to the artist's life. Nevertheless, Mclaurine attempts at a self-portrait with this project and the surreal demeanor she uses in narration becomes an integral part of her approach.

Self-portraiture stands on a thin line and it is quite hard to conclude what is accomplished in it. Can we deduce some essence as to the character of the artist? If not, there must be something wrong with her work or us.